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Bendover, another commenter "Justanidiot" said it best on here last week. Everyone pretends they have this "vote them all out" attitude, the reality is its "vote them all out...except for my State Rep he's a nice guy". The end result is a couple state reps get picked off and lose, but the majority return to office and nothing changes. Rinse, wash, repeat unfortunately. I hope we learn from our lessons soon.

Crickee, nothing surprises me with the disgraced, TWICE FAILED candidate. I find it incredibly weird the way he chooses to "insult" people. It shows how truly erratic this failure has become. Let me tell you something Rick, you can call me any name you'd like. You can make sick, childish references and pass them off as "insults" if you'd like, I'll be fine if some deadbeat, twice failed fraud doesn't want to be my friend. Somehow I will carry on.

All of the insults in the world will not change the fact Rick Corrente lost his home to tax sale (Warwick Beacon). It will not change the years he couldn't pay his car or property taxes on time. It will not change the fact he loaned his campaign $40,000 while he couldn't pay his water/sewer bills on time. It will not change the fact he needed someone else to pay his property taxes for him (not his lender like he claims). It will not add to his vote totals meaning he couldn't even reach 2,000 votes after running for 2 years and claiming he was carrying 14,000 votes over from 2016. It will not rewrite history or the fact he is a two time loser, who has been overwhelmingly rejected by Warwick voters in back to back elections. Not just back to back was against 2 different candidates from 2 different parties. Its hard to draw any conclusion other than the fact Warwick voters looked at Rick Corrente and said "not a chance".

There is no path forward for Rick Corrente in Warwick politics. His ignorance and lies won't ever allow for him to grow as a candidate. Rather than look in the mirror Rick Corrente would rather insult me or Cat or CrickeeRaven. Again I ask, has he congratulated Joe Solomon? Or is Rick too busy patting himself on the back to handle himself with any dignity? I look forward to the next blabbering, non sensical, pandering post from the TWO TIME FAILED CANDIDATE, The Tax Delinquents Mayor, Rick Corrente.

From: Solomon wins in blowout

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