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Dear Cat2222,

Thank you for recognizing that I ran for Mayor twice as my "own personal decision". None of my critics had the courage or commitment to enter the race.

Thank you for mentioning the kind words I had for the teachers, council and others. That I didn't do it "just for their support" shows my comments were sincere. Thank you for recognizing all the time and effort I put into my campaign. Except to harass me, I didn't notice you or any of your anonymous friends do ANYTHING to help the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. Anyone with a keyboard can find fault with someone's plan. It takes dedication to think of a better one. You never did.

My actions prove that I care about the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. Yours show that you know how to complain from the protection of the shadows.

You anonymous coward of a critic.

Happy September everyone.

From: Solomon wins in blowout

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