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RC, you made a personal decision to run for Mayor twice. No one put a gun to your head to force you to spend all that money. Instead of listening when people pointed out that you were running on wrong numbers and wrong facts, you not only continued to do so but tried to insult those that had PROOF you were wrong. Most intelligent people would be able to look inward and see the error of their ways. You wouldn't or couldn't.

You spent your time writing ingratiating and fawning comments on articles that were about teachers, unions, city council members and anyone else you thought would help you gain traction in your campaign. You took a local paper that many people enjoy and made the comment section free advertisement for yourself. In the end, it didn't get you anywhere. It was a completely obvious tactic and everyone saw it for what it was.

Many of us do put our money where our mouth (keyboard) is. We are at city meetings, we are at schools, events, charities and community outreach. We are trying to make our city a better place in our own corner of the world. You don't have to run for office to do that. My efforts aren't any less than yours because I don't have political aspirations.

Do you really need the pat on the back so bad to make yourself feel better than someone else? Running for office doesn't make you a better person. You even gave yourself a title you didn't earn. As if by merely calling yourself mayor, you could somehow make it a reality. Hopefully the results of the Primary were enough to give you the reality check you desperately need. You have no right to point a finger at anyone else just because you ran for office two times. You know what they say about a fool and his money, right?

From: Solomon wins in blowout

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