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There couldn't be 2 words more foreign to Rick Corrente then courage and integrity. It takes ZERO courage to ignore your responsibilities as a citizen, like Rick Corrente has done failing to pay his taxes. It takes ZERO integrity for Corrente to complain about the poor treatment of our seniors, especially while that same candidate (Corrente) is ignoring his responsibilities as a taxpayer.

Lets think about this: What if every citizen approached their taxes the same way Rick Corrente has? Which is to basically say "oh well, somebody else will pay theres not my problem". If everyone took that approach we wouldn't have any Senior Centers, or trash pickup. We wouldn't have a recycling program, or beaches that anyone would visit. The teachers that Rick Corrente panders to wouldn't be getting paid. This is what is so infuriating about Richard Corrente. He complains about all that is wrong within our city, but has never contributed a damn thing toward making it better INCLUDING PAYING TAXES. That is the worst kind of person. Corrente is the defibition of a keyboard activist. Telling everyone else what to do, while ignoring the fact his own life is a trainwreck full of missed bills, tax delinquency and litigation losses. Warwick doesn't need a Mayor who will have City Hall repossessed. There are hundreds of words to describe Rick Corrente, COURAGE and INTEGRITY are not one of them.

From: A true outsider, Ferla makes mayoral bid

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