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Dear Scal 1024,

You say "Again Mr. Corrente chooses to play politics with young children and their parents" but the opposite is true. I believe in "open government" and have stated on many occasions that the School Committee (SC) if far too secretive. We don't know the facts and figures involved in this decision. That's why I called for the SC to be "more transparent". You can understand that, can't you Scal?

Also, I am not now, nor have I ever been a tax delinquent. You tried to use Rob Cote as a character reference to sell that lie to the readers. Scal; here's an honest piece of advice. The last person...the very last person in the City of Warwick that you should use a testimonial from is Rob Cote. He has lied repeatedly, and admitted to stealing over 40 of my signs. He is a liar and a thief. Try not to hide behind his reputation. It won't help you offset the fake name you hide behind one bit. Why not just come out from hiding and show everyone that you aren't a nine year old. Wouldn't that at least make you more honest?? Scal?? Wouldn't it?

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: More than 100 petition to save Greenwood principal's job

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