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The Democrat Governor, 39 Cities and Towns Mayors, Administrators, Managers, City and Town Councils,Superintendent, School Depts, School Committees and more, Elected by Taxpayers All said No. The Entire State House knew this Bill by Vella-Wilkinson was Illegal and no good. No one was crazy enough to call for a vote. These areTaxpayer elected officials not a Representative Elected with 2500 votes where 60% of the Voters in her District said they don't want her.

When the Bill told Taxpayers, even if your city or town fall on Hard Times (which does happen) and the contract was signed years ago in a Boom! Tough, You have to pay the same high price. That's stealing. Every leadership Supporter was paid by these special interest.

No Taxpayer, City or town needs to be told how and when to spend Their money by any paid off politician.

Rightfully Vella-Wilkinsons Bill had No Support and was Stealing from the Taxpayers! Intelligent negotiations are in order.

From: Legislators don’t tackle ‘evergreen’ veto override

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