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No one and I mean No One has said what happened to George Floyd was right. I will say what has happened during the riots was wrong.

Police and Military are not this nation's problem. There are racists, there is no systemic racism. If there was BHO would not have been President.

There are bad people, what is your plan to stop them? Again what happened to Mr. Floyd was wrong and I don't think he should have been in that position. He should have been in prison. He held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach while his buddies ransacked the house.

Police want to serve and protect.

Rashard Brooks in Atlanta blew a 1.08 on the breathalyzer, so intoxicated he fell asleep at the wheel in the drive through, did you really want the cops to let him go? They couldn't. Do you know why Mr. Brooks fought the police? Did you know he fought the police? Mr. Brooks was violating his parole. He was going back to prison. Brooks had previously been convicted of False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children.

Police are there to keep the peace for the peaceful from those that would use force on those that would use force against the peaceful. They're not the problem.

From: Appeal to police to change

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