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Can someone please inform Johnny Sweat Pants that the terms "lol", "lmao", "lmfao", etc. went out of style about the same time his Members Only jacket went out of style. You're really showing your age Mr. Sweat Pants, and you need to catch up with modern times. Maybe while you and your girlfriend Stacia are hunkered down in your basement playing kissy face, she can teach you some terms that have been used in the last 5 years or so, as opposed to your stale terms that smell similar to your old cigarette smoke breath. And speaking of cigarette smoke, you should definitely try to cut back on the cigs-they weaken your immune system and make it harder for an old coot such as yourself to fight off germs such as the corona virus.

From: THE LATEST: Dine-in service suspended at bars, restaurants; RI now has 'community spread'

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