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Always blames the Federal Government for her problem. States always want Federal Government to stay out of their business. The Presudent saved thousands by shutting down travel from specific places early, unlike Obama/Biden did with H1N1 when tens of Thousands died under their administration. President is doing what should be done. Gina should do what she needs to do, and stop blaming the Feds. Everytime when Trump does good, like unemployment, Gina takes credit for it when she had nothing to do with it. When she screws things up, which is most if the time, she blames Trump. Take responsibility for your *!&^#% ups, or go away Gina and the broken Democratically controlled State government. Whatever problems you have in RI, IS YOUR FAULT, AND ONLY YOUR FAULT.

From: THE LATEST: Dine-in service suspended at bars, restaurants; RI now has 'community spread'

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