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We should not have children that are not taxpayers on the school committee. WRONG WRONG WRONG. No life experience, probably has never written a check, and has no comprehension of the term UNFUNDED LIABILITIES.

When Nathan rang my doorbell last year we had a lengthy discussion of the situation with our schools, teacher salary, and the city's unfunded liabilities. When I asked him if he knew the value of the unfunded liabilities he said "I thinks its around a million dollars".

I was floored that he had no concept of reality. When I told him that the number at that tine was in the area of $600 million, he was unable to grasp the concept. With 3 members of the school committee that are not homeowners and do not pay property taxes, I fear that the lack of life experience does not bring anything positive to the community. I am not saying that they aren't nice people, just not well rounded fiscally speaking.

From: Fears of nepotism, favoritism

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