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So Merolla, allegedly a lawyer, thinks contract law can be overridden by an ordinance? What law school did he attend? They should repeal his JD diploma. If this were legal, every city/town in trouble would merely pass an ordinance. While they are correct that this is unsustainable, they are seeking an easy way out. Going after retirees is not the way to go. The retirees are still covered by their various contracts they retired under.

I have a suggestion for Merolla and Ladouceur. Did you think to mandate that going forward any retiree who gets another job must take that employers healthcare? How about mandating the retiree who's spouse can cover them must take the spouses healthcare? Simple fixes gentlemen. That alone would dramatically cut down on retiree costs as most go on to another job.

From: Bill would set minimum co-pays for active, retired city employees

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