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As a parent who chose to send her boys to Hendricken- I can tell you our number one reason was and still is the education. Anything else Hendricken offers was secondary to our family. I can tell you my children were not recruited for anything Hendricken offers nor do we get financial aid. I can tell you what we have scarified for 4 years to be able to do this. Hendricken gets a bad reputation from people in the state of RI and I don’t know why. Someone please share because it is very unfair to every kid who attends Hendricken and can not get recognition because they go to Hendricken. These are still kids who work hard every day doing 2-4 hours of homework a night and being held accountable for their actions. In today’s world, as a parent , if I have the opportunity to offer this brotherhood to my kids, yes I am going to chose it. My kids are the ones who asked not to go to our public high school, where I pay taxes, and go to a school that was going to hold them accountable for their academics and help they grow. They knew from stories their local high school could not provide this for them. Thank you Hendricken for the brotherhood your have provided my boys and for helping this family turn their boys in to men. Go Hawks

From: Still on top

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