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You know what is unsustainable and has poor leadership? The Warwick School System. Yet the squad is often silent about that. They are biased and pick their battles and who to point the finger at. It is unbelievable there is talk about building a new high school. This folks is the real problem in the city and no one wants to have honest dialoge because it's a sensitive topic, oh it's about the children they say. Well obviously it isn't. The Warwick school system was good in the 90's. Since then all down hill. The Mayor and the Council need to get tough on the Warwick admin and not let them get black mailed again over stupid school sports how pathetic. But, with talk of a new high school it is apparent who runs Warwick, the school systen and the Mayor and Council are their puppets. Public school has become a liberal breeding ground where teachers are teaching kids the Democratic socalist code.

From: City projects $5.5M surplus for FY19

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