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Cat, when the second amendment was written, the average man could have the same weapon as the average soldier. There is nothing wrong with a semi-auto rifle that can fire quickly. What has changed is our fellow citizens. The fact that some lonely losers are using weapons that 'look' like military weapons is not the fault of the overwhelmingly law abiding citizens who possess similar weapons. As for the constitution and when it was written....the other rights acknowledged under the bill of rights still work today: freedom of speech; the press; the right to be free from warrantless searches, etc. The founders were very smart, visionary men. They could not forsee fully automatic weapons and nukes but they would not have rejected the average citizen from having semi-auto rifles. They knew why they wrote the 2nd amendment. The fact that you 'agree' that I can have a handgun gives me no solace. It makes me afraid that ignorant people have opinions about my inalienable rights.

From: Let's not surrender 'our rights' in the name of fear

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