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No one is commenting on the fact that the citizens were given the 2nd amendment to keep their GOVERNMENT in check. Now the government wants to keep the citizens in check. WE the people reserve the right to force the government from tyranny, if it comes to that. We cannot do that with single shot weapons. For those of you who say citizens cannot fight the US military, should the government someday get out of control, I say you do not know our military and you do not know your world history. Our own government was founded by a group of patriots who raised a rag tag army and defeated the greatest army and navy the world had ever seen. General Greene perfected the type of warfare a 'lesser' force could use to defeat a huge, well supplied army. We have been fighting rag tag insurgents in Afghanistan for 17 years and have not defeated the Taliban, even though our military is now the best the world has ever seen. The VC and NVA in Vietnam held off our superior military for almost as long. The Christo Reys in Mexico brought the anti-Catholic government to its knees and the negotiating table with a small army of peasants, poorly armed and poorly trained, although they found their George Washington. There are many more examples throughout history. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting, sport shooting, or hobbies. Ask the folks in Hong Kong how things are going. When the Chinese send in troops, the protesters will be killed, just as in Tienanmen square. Ask the folks starving in Venezuela how things are going. Only the government as arms. The people are largely unarmed. The founders gave us the power over government. Anyone who knows history knows that. Anyone talking of disarming us is against the constitution.

From: Let's not surrender 'our rights' in the name of fear

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