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Making your point in the most obnoxious way possible is the point, If they marched in and announced their purpose, explained everything to everyone and hung a sign on the out side of the door informing taxpayers what was happening it would change behavior, it wouldn't be an audit at all, it would be a staged scene.

The fact that the police were called and that the police did not defend their 1st Amendment right by protecting them from the hostile woman proved their point. From a First Amendment perspective Warwick looks bad in that video because Warwick did not defend the First Amendment in that video, it is a hard truth but it is still the truth.

The minute we start putting caveats on our rights is when we start losing them.

As far as them making money off the videos, I'm not sure if that de-legitimizes their actions. Perhaps it pushed them to make the video as sensational as they could, inspired them to be a bit more obnoxious but that is not a crime, it just made people uncomfortable.

From: Which comes First? The Amendment or your own profit?

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