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I agree with a previous comment this isn't the first time Solomon has had a self induced fire to put out. Announcing an agreement was reached with the WFD before the WFD ever agreed to a deal was a mistake. Speaking publicly about saving school sports was a mistake. Suggesting Parks and Rec could take over WISE positions on school grounds without thinking the Union would or could challenge is a mistake.

I can forgive a mistake but I am less forgiving when a similar mistake is made multiple times. You either learn from a mistake or you don't. I think the Mayor knows he was wrong already on this issue which is why he is slowly backing away from it. I can't help but feel whoever is advising this Mayor is letting him down in a major way over the last 6 months. This city cannot afford labor turmoil on top of every other issue we are facing. It seems as a city we're not solving problems right now we're creating new ones. The Mayor and his staff need to measure twice and cut once over the next year or two, that hasn't been a priority so far in this term.

From: Solomon: Sports 'will remain in place'

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