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The fact of the matter is that there is no need to have such a generous sick time benefit. No one in private industry has this. In particular, the banked sick days that are accumulated in the first 7 years are cashed out at the rate of pay that the member retires at. Also, due to the fact that Title 45 covers them for unlimited sick time, this perk is completely counterproductive and the data clearly indicates that the system is worked abusively. Without question ! Now the data shows that there is clearly a revolving sick out scheme to drive overtime. Have you looked at the budget and compared the numbers?

Think about it for a minute. No electronic method of monitoring attendance, destruction of the "change of shift documents" (which by the way has resulted in several federal investigations all over the country), The contract calls for doctors notes for more than 2 days out sick. I bet that statute is ignored. And also, are you aware of any of the fine details such as if a man is IOD, that his clothing allowance and uniform maintenance allowance is supposed to be pro-rated? Ya think that has ever happened? You have dopes on the city council that cant even read a contract let alone understand it and residents have to bring issues to their attention. Shall I give examples?

If you think for 1 minute that this department, and many others, do not have the ability to work the system and in fact do work the system, you are mistaken. If you think that this department or any other in this city is being run at maximum efficiency, you are mistaken.

I have in excess of 3000 documents in my possession which clearly indicate manipulation. In this error of technology, for this department (or any other including the mayors office) not to have finger print recognition time clocks is absurd (and unsafe) ie Muster points.

I had a conversation recently with a fire dept. controller for one of our municipalities who told me that they have finger print time clocks which download to the payroll system, and that their system is ANTIQUATED and they are updating it iris scanning. We have paper, pencil, and eraser. How sad. Dont forget, as of this date, we still do not have gps in the dpw vehicles, so when the 75 year old woman goes to the council meeting asking for $129.00 for a tire that got blown out because of a pot hole, she gets tortured and SHE has to prove that that particular pot hole was previously noted by the dpw? Are we friggen insane????

Barnstable/ Hyannis Ma. instituted GPS 4 years ago to every town vehicle. They realized a 32% savings on fuel and wear and tear. In addition, there is no hiding out in the woods, no driving to Goddard Park, no shopping on the clock, etc.etc. etc. All these things add up.

We are now in that mode were we need to do that. Every penny counts. I suggest that you really look deeply into the documents and perform some analysis. I have said this to you many times before, I am more than happy to share any and all documents that I have procured so that you dont have to take the time and spend the money. Official documents tell the story. I dont make this stuff up. This department and many others, including the mayors office (past and present) have gamed the system. This budget is a joke and a kid in 5th grade could easily disseminate it and show the waste.

But now we have the self proclaimed LAWYER AND CPA who had to rely on a resident to point out issues in the budget that were schemed. Not withstanding his more than forthright honesty with his fake used car lot.

Im tired. all the best. good night.

From: 'Frustrated' firefighters reject offer

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