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Bob Savage:

You are free to belong to a union if you wish, and pay whatever dues you want to add to the multimillions of dollars the union collects.

After all, this is America.

Kent hospital local alone is forced to give to the union approximately $500,000 a year. I doubt the workers are receiving $500,000 a year in services.

Those who do not wish to belong to a union, and pay dues should not be subjected to "forced dues."

After all, this is America.

Translucency of financial disclosures by unions is key, particularly UNAP, which they refused to me. Perhaps you feel you are given services worth a million of dollars, but there are those who disagree.

Workers, BTW, who live in Right to Work states, given the privilege to NOT join unions, or pay their mandatory dues have no difficulty in maintaining their jobs. My voice is clearly heard. And I make considerably more than I did with UNAP's "contract."

Further, I have never seen one piece of legislation for health care workers that wasn't already covered by law, and also nearly always has the caveat, "unless an emergency at the health care system occurs," which means, the administration can levy whatever rules they deem, as they would define an "emergency."

The union also flaunts the $22,000 they used to pay for legislation, and yet their workers are still forced to strike, and walk in the snow and ice doing so. What did UNAP do with the rest of the millions of dollars it collects from the locals it supposedly represents? Little good did their "legislation" do.

I've worked in acute care for 40 years. I have NEVER seen someone fired who was not given standard human resource policy of verbal warnings, written warnings, counseling, and then termination. Your conclusion that the only way to hold one's job is to have a union isn't valid.

Are they such poor negotiators, making $147,000/year as Callaci makes, that they can't seem to get a contract that doesn't require health care staff to strike?

BTW, what is your job description as a health care worker?? OR

From: Former Kent ER nurse wins battle over union dues

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