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Hal I agree with your Solomon observations, but at least he tried to come clean eventually (several days). This seems to be his pattern, he doesnt like to shoot from the hip. I agree he could be clearer and quicker but it also seems that he doesnt try to hide much (except the FD audit results?). Let's see how he does with these key issues over the medium timeframe...

I mean he really was the logical choice with the other choices being a used car salesman whose wife was charged with welfare fraud, a woman who cross-dressed an employee before the residents intending to deceive them in a bizarre stunt, and a perpetual election loser who cant seem to differentiate between a taxpayer and a nontaxpayer who calls himself a "mayor" anyway, among many other delusions.

Time to count our (Solomon) blessings?

From: Arts Center can stay if it pays, says mayor

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