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Dear readers,

Let's look at the main players in this issue.

Karen Bachus has been a prominent member of the School Committee for years and was the ONLY member to stand up against the injustice of the Mario Atoyian tragedy. The other School Committee members wanted to sweep the issue under the rug. Bachus said "This is a zero-tolerance issue". Bachus is now the Chair. The others are now gone.

Attorney Vincent Ragosta has been selected as the mediator for this issue. Everyone remembers him from the Mario Atoyian tragedy. His "Ragosta Report" was published in the Warwick Beacon proving it wasn't a "verbal" report as some members of the School Committee declared. Those members are also gone.

So we have a problem and it's being solved by some very caring and intelligent people. Warwick is in good hands.

Happy St. Patricks everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools drop suit, head to mediation to solve budget

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