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Mr. Cote-You can attempt to change the subject at hand by referencing this fire department story, but the fact remains you went to a funeral last week with the express intention of harassing a grieving family and the mourners that were there to honor the deceased. Have you no decency Mr. Cote? What if the shoe was on the other foot and you were at a funeral for a member of your family and someone came to the funeral to harass and stalk your family? And your story about how you coincidentally ended up in the funeral home parking lot to make a phone call is the most ridiculous excuse in the world. What's your next excuse-the dog ate my homework? The time has come for you to apologize to the family of the deceased and apologize to the mourners who you harassed. It may pain you at first Mr. Cote, but it will cleanse your soul, and hopefully put this dark chapter in your life behind you. Remember, this family did nothing to you, and their only crime in your eyes was being employed by the city. Hopefully the disgusting show that you put on at the funeral home last week and the scorn you rightly received will make you think twice about pulling this sort of stunt again, but judging by the past behavior of you and your partner/"friend"/main squeeze, the odds are you'll be harassing some other innocent person or innocent family. They say a leopard never changes it's spots, and unfortunately Mr. Cote, that saying fits you to a "T".

From: Mayor confirms acting fire chief Fontenault to retire

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