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Mr Cote asking questions is not necessarily an investigation. I saw the news report also and it had a typical sensational title but then not very much substance, I haven't seen anything about records being seized or things of that nature so let's wait and see. But for you to take to these comment pages like you have mirrors a grade school child yelling out nyah nyah I told you so I told you so. Not very classy at all. And your behavior at the funeral home was worse. I don't buy your story at all, it makes no sense. You clearly went there to try to catch city workers attending the services while being paid. When you discovered that your actions upset the family you could have at least shown a modicum of decency and apologized for upsetting them. Now posting the deceased's arrest record from decades ago was just about the lowest thing I've ever seen. I do not believe it was you however, logic and history would point the guilty finger at only one person and that would be Stacia Huyler. It would be awesome if she did move to Ft Myers though.

From: Mayor confirms acting fire chief Fontenault to retire

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