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Mr Cote,

You are correct in 2 points. You did not get out of the car and the funeral home did not ask you to leave. You took off like the slimey rat that you are before they had the chance. Never once did i say either of those things. Don't use that as an excuse to distract from your sick mental disorder.

You can call me all the names you want. Your opinion of me doesn't matter. My family is supported by hundreds across the city who would love nothing more then your "decaying matter" splattered in the street.

I love that you are SO IRATE over your own disgusting behaviour. How does your daughter feel about the entire city hating you?

Karma is coming for you Mr. Cote. I can assure you it won't be pretty. There are some lines you don't cross...and you crossed them.

I won't respond to you any further. Just know that my family is ecstatic that you are so upset over this. Your blood boiling puts a big smile on all of our faces. You have been exposed as the classless peice of shit that you are.

From: Mayor confirms acting fire chief Fontenault to retire

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