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Rob Cote,

First off let me start by thanking you for the compliment, as you seem to think that i’m WarwickBeautiful. Quite flattering, however you’re far from my type. The only shrimp I prefer is the seafood kind, not small men.

I’ve noticed you’ve also been stalking my social media’s. Yes, I post hairdo pictures. That’s part of my career, something you wouldn’t know anything about having. You do seem to know a lot about stalking though.

Like I told your pal, Gaven, if you’d like to take further actions regarding Monday morning, please feel free to contact me, opposed to hiding behind a computer and using a teenager as a messenger. I would love to clear a few things up with you. And please don’t consider it a date, because like I already said, you’re not my type and far too old for me. That ship has sailed a long time ago for you.

All of us in Warwick cannot WAIT to see your ship sink in your sea of lies, Mr. Captain.

From: Mayor confirms acting fire chief Fontenault to retire

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