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Dear WwkVoter,

AKA Henry Krinkle.

Henry, you're wrong. Again.

When I stated my opinion about Warwick real estate, you say "Guy has no idea what he is talking about." But I do! I was a Realtor for ten years followed by a mortgage loan officer for 41 years. I have analyzed literally thousands of appraisals. I make comparisons on a daily basis. That kind of makes me qualified to state that opinion. Don't you think?

You, on the other hand, work in politics. Right? Have you done ANYTHING involving real estate evaluations?

I didn't think so. claim I "failed to enumerate what spending he would cut" right before you quote my "pension buyout plan", which would mirror the highly successful similar plan in Texas. HENRY! That's how I would do it! (at least that is one of the many ways).

Glad you read The Corrente Plan. (you even gave an honorable mention to my "Tax Rebate Check Plan"). Can you think of any better ideas than mine Henry, or do you admit that you're unable to think of any?

Happy Valentines Henry.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Warwick most affordable for home buyers

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