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Dear Readers,

Rob Cote is lying...again.

He knows (I even sat with him and showed the court documents to him) that my lender broke R.I. law and I sued them in Federal Court AND WON!!! He also knows the lender was court-ordered to negotiate in "good faith" after that court decision and they DID NOT. That included 6 attempts to evict me so they could negotiate a settlement "in good faith". In all 6 attempts the judge ruled against the lender but the stress was too much for my attorney, George Babcock, who represented me, and over 1,000 other class-action plaintiffs in that case. George tragically, committed suicide. Cote knows this. The very next day after his suicide the lenders attorneys sent the 7th eviction notice to his law office knowing he wouldn't be there to defend me. This dirty trick succeeded. I was evicted because I never got served. Therefore I never knew of the 7th attempt until it was too late. Cote knows all these facts and still decides to ignore them. Cote is a piece of....(well, the readers know). Subsequent negotiations with that lender (one of the big three) have cost them "a ton" of money. I'm not allowed to say who they are or how much I cost them. The court also ordered them to pay all real estate taxes that, naturally, still came out in my name. They did, and they even paid them late so Warwick got MORE tax revenue. I never "screwed the City out of taxes" I never screwed anyone out of a dime. Not a dime! Cote can't make that claim. If you want a laugh just look at how many times his business, "Rob Cote's Pro Divers, Inc." (now defunct) had a revocation notice from the R.I. Secretary of State. I counted eleven. ELEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ELEVEN!

He lied about my home. Several times.

He lied about my car taxes.

He lied about the taxes I pay (flawlessly) on my 4-unit.

He lied about who I contribute to and how much.

He lied about my campaign against the car tax.

He lied about deciding to move out of Warwick. (even though there are dozens of volunteers that would help him pack!)

He stole my signs, and even admitted it in this newspaper.

He came into my office and flipped me off.

He is the most disgusting person I have ever met.

He is the most disgusting person ANYONE has ever met. (in my opinion)

Stay as far away from this guy as you can.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Next round of Sandy Lane sewer work slated to take 2 days

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