Report Inappropriate Comments

Dear Cat and WwkVoter,

Thank you for speaking from your real names. Your comments deserve greater respect because of it.

Cat, I respect your privacy. That's why I never sent you any e-mails. I won't in the future either.

WwkVoter, AKA Henry Krinkle -

Henry, if you start commenting from your real name, I promise the readers will take you more seriously. Until then, I campaigned for over 1,000 days and spent over $40,000 of my own money to serve the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. I looked up Henry Krinkle of 154 Hopper Ave. and I can't find one thing (other than criticize my accomplishments) that you have EVER even attempted to do for ANY of the 80,000 taxpayers. Did you even vote Henry? Did you ever do...anything??

Happy Valentines Cat and WwkVoter.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Next round of Sandy Lane sewer work slated to take 2 days

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