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Your a joke Corrente. Travis to chair new Economic Development Committee... lmfao.

She can't even pay taxes she owes City, and has been using scam nonprofits to defraud City from tax money for years. She couldn't even complete the simple State Financial and Campaign finance reports properly. So she was found guilty just last year of both violations. Closed JONAH building, but kept nonprofit, because couldn't even run that properly.

Council made up of other Democrats, for years, that are lawyers and even CPA'S, and some both, that couldn't find WFD Scams being run. It took a private Citizen with no legal or financial expertise to do it. These 3 scams are just the tip of the iceberg, which they will keep trying to cover up. They are dopes that got us approaching BANKRUPTCY. City is run like a criminal organization and should lead to RICO Convictions hopefully soon.


From: Merolla resumes Council presidency, committee chairs named

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