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In fairness to all of the teachers who are being looked at as lazy, ignorant, incompetent or whatever other insult you can drudge up... do you Mr. Hall or any of the other noneducators who’ve commented, even understand how many emails teachers receive a day??? From principals, to Human Resources and parents, other educators etc.! Of course safety of students comes first but to send this in an email amongst the 100s of other emails and to think that it’s going to get addressed as quickly as you’d like, is a fallacy. Perhaps if there is low participation than this could be addressed more in a building level than and individual level. Often times administrators in school buildings need to step up a bit more and teach, reteach, reinforce and follow up on these initiatives.. simply due to the overwhelming responsibility put on teachers. So Mr.Hall, while I’m am so glad to hear that your two year of can navigate a smartphone (3 claps for that!) let’s stop bashing here and figure out why this is not being followed through on. Oh and by the way... while you’re so thrilled with your two years olds technological skills, let’s hope you’re emphasizing those social skills that she’s missing everytime you hand her that phone. Goodness knows you may be as good at teaching those as you are at running political campaigns.

From: 60% of school personnel haven't downloaded safety app

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