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Dear Cat2222,

You couldn't be more wrong.

Using my real name DOES make my words more valid. It means people can hold me accountable, unlike you and the other anonymous cowards of critics you are associated with. Those who hide behind a fake name can (and do) say anything they want no matter how dishonest it is, and even when proven to be a lie, (as in the false "Corrente drove an unregistered car for three years" or the false "Corrente paid over $8,000 in late fees on his 4-unit at 1115 Greenwich Ave."), none of you anonymous cowards of critics had enough integrity to admit your accusations were lies. Talk about "trolls and perverts!" (your words). You were absolutely RIGHT when you said that "the internet brings out the worst in people." You are one of these fake-named "trolls and perverts" that would have to be much more truthful with their words if their identity were known. Their comments would be a lot more credible and "valid" as a result, and their safety wouldn't be in danger if they weren't lying. Like me, and the other real-named commenters, they would have nothing to hide from.

So YES, using my real name DOES make my words more valid. And YES, hiding behind your fake name makes your words "fake". If you don't want to feel "fake" or inferior, come out of the shadows. Become credible. It's easy. Just stop using a fake name. No one ever needs to know it was you repeating those dishonest comments using a fake name, "without so much as sending an e-mail to anyone ...for clarification beforehand". (again, your words)

Become credible, like me, or Bob Cushman, or Paul Huff or Danny Hall in this article. Think about it.

Happy Thanksgiving Cat2222.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Election time is over, collaboration time begins

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