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Sen. Doofus; What vote are you proudest of?

"As I travel across the state listening to Rhode Islanders during this campaign, I’m often asked which vote I’ve taken that I’m most proud of. Eight years after I voted to pass the Affordable Care Act, my answer is still the same."

"It will insure 50M people..." Not even close

"It will be more cost effective." It cost more, talk to the folks trying to make premium payments.

"If you like your Doctor, you keep your Doctor." Another lie.

"If you like your plan, you keep your plan." B. S.

"Costs will come down." They went up. Total cost...UNKNOWN.

Sen. Doofus, What "junk" insurance do you have, the same as your constituents?

I would have thought your proudest moment was getting up on the Senate floor during the Odummacare debate and calling your fellow Senator's "NAZIS" for daring to disagree...That's right senator, the tape is still out there...

But as long as we are talking about proud moments, the flatulence debacle aside, perhaps you can answer the same questions about your behavior in high school and at YALE and UVA, that you asked Justice Kavanaugh, including alcohol and drug use...Just how did you answer the question regarding past drug use to obtain your security clearance? Did you lie to the FBI or did you get a free pass...The media has asked you about past drug use, you took the 5th...Smarmy blue blood that you are.

From: Control of Senate a toss up, so, too, may be the ACA

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