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Warwick Man,

Yesterday evening, Dan Yorke had the East Greenwich Town Manager on as she discussed their ELEVEN side deals. She was able to sift through years of documents to find out that there most definitely was a side deal in place that drove the OT for the FD way over the appropriate dollar amount. It was reiterate time again that these types of side deals, while prevalent, are not legal. These types of deals are done outside of the scope of the public in order to satisfy the union in order to keep their support when election time rolls around. It would have been best to deal with it outside of the limelight because now it will no doubt be a full investigation and someone will most definitely have to take the fall for it. The WFD will not be getting this practice reinstated after review. Not a single elected official is going to put their name on this deal and push it through.

From: Invalid deal among new allegations against fire dept.

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