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The fake mayor, buffoon Corrente, states that Nathan Cornell "DESERVES" the seat on the school committee. Nathan visited my house 3 weeks ago and we had a 20 minute lively conversation. When asked about simple budget questions pertaining to the city, the school department, the new teacher contract, etc.. he was unable to answer one question.

He is a nice young man that I am sure comes from a wonderful family. He is NOT a taxpayer. He DOES NOT own a car registered in his name. He DOES NOT own a piece of property in the city, and he has never written a check for any kind of tax bill. This, by his own admission. Having said that, any person over the age of 18 has the right to run for office, however, that in itself DOES NOT make it right for that person to run for office.

This young man lives at URI and is engaged in his education which should be his prime and only responsibility. The dysfunction of the city of Warwick, and of its politics, should not be a deterrent to this young mans educational progress.

Let me reiterate, fine young man, but does not DESERVE the seat as the buffoon has stated.

From: School committee candidates outline positions

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