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As I see it, Richard Cascella has an enormous advantage over Kyle Adams in experience and heart. Rick has been hugely involved in school activities on a volunteer basis for the three-plus decades that I have known him. He has my support.

Judy Cobden is the hands down winner over Terri Mederious for integrity and honesty. Mederious told me "The Ragosta Report is verbal!" That was an out-and-out lie. Attorney Ragosta had over 600 pages of testimony written by Allied Court Reporters. Mederious, and several others before her, HAVE to go. Cobden will be the greatest addition to the School Committee. She is the proverbial "breath-of-fresh-air", in that contest. She has my vote.

Finally, Nathan Cornell deserves to sit on the School Committee. He has given more time and effort to matters involving the Warwick Schools than anyone else has. He has dedicated hundreds of uncompensated hours of his time to making Warwick schools better. That alone gives him the edge over his opponent. Good luck Nathan. You deserve this.

Regardless as to the winners, the Warwick School Department will has a fresh, new look going into 2019. I, for one, believe it is also a greatly improved look, one that has been long, long overdue.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: School committee candidates outline positions

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