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2 of the biggest issues facing our city:

-Keeping our beaches clean

-Affordable sewer Installation

Rick Correntes solution to solving both? Raising taxes on everyone. This is precisely the reason I decided to call out the behavior of the tax delinquent, TWO TIME LOSER, make believe mayor Corrente. "Cut taxes, cut spending" is a nice little slogan, but when you look at the cities finances logically, and put pen to paper there is no way ANY CANDIDATE is cutting taxes anytime soon. The city just can't afford the loss in revenue. There is

As far as Correntes pathetic display on the microphone in front of the City Council this week...all I can say is wow! Not only are his words incoherent, he is quickly cut off by Ed Ladoucer who explains that Corrente must stick to the topic. In typical Rick Corrente fashion he tells Councilman Ladoucer "I am sticking to the topic" (even though he wasn't). In fact, Corrente was so off topic that Councilman Ladoucer had to raise his voice again and say "MR CORRENTE, YOU ARE NOT STICKING TO THE TOPIC!" All because Rick wanted to make some weak, uninformed, blabbering statement on departments overspending. It served no purpose and it actually left everyone in the room dumber for having heard it. Whether it was his debate against Scott Avedisian, where Mayor Avedisian cleaned his clock, or whether he's stumbling and stammering at the mic during Council meetings Rick Corrente has proven he is indeed NOT ready for primetime. Although he may not see it, Warwick voters see Rick Corrente for the disingenuous fraud that he is.

From: Ladouceur aims to cut sewer assessments

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