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JohnStark, the two-time loser's suggestion is wrong precisely because it comes from him.

Whether he agrees with it or not, the school department is following the legally-mandated process to justify its request for $4 million from the city.

So, right there, he is proving his disregard for the law when he makes demands about what should be done and foolishly accuses the school committee of blackmail and extortion.

He's also confusing the scope of a financial audit [which is done every year by the same independent auditing firm that reviews the city's books] and a program audit [which by law is done by people with experience in Basic Education Plans like Mr. Hicks].

Financial audits review the income and expenses; program audits determine whether the educational programs meet state requirements, and how much a community should be spending to meet them.

In other words, applying financial audit standards to the program audit is wrong, or, if I may use your term, invalid under current law.

That law says, in essence, that the school committee is charged with providing education and meeting BEP standards -- and the city is responsible for funding the school department so that it can achieve those standards.

His failure to understand the law and the difference between financial audits and educational program audits are yet further reasons that honest, taxpaying voters should feel justified in rejecting his candidacy again last Wednesday.

From: Schools present audit to City Council on Monday

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