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Phillip, you are correct I am not running for Mayor. Therefore, I will be under the same scrutiny as every other voter not running for office this election season, ZERO. I never said the idea of rebate checks was foreign. The way the idea is being presented suggests an influx of new tax revenue coming into the city, based on those rebate checks, that is not the case. What year did you move here Phillip? I think that might provide context to the discussion. Was the city as cash strapped as it is currently? Were schools asking for over $5million extra from what was budgeted? Was the city proposing maximim tax increases at the time? There are so many factors that matter other than just stating you received a rebate check. I'm sorry but at a time when the city is putting forth maximum tax increases, we should not be looking at additional ways to spend money. Yes, home improvements can help with assesed home values for homeowners, but that is not the answer to creating new tax revenue in this economy.

The other problem Phillip is you CANNOT just spend money on rebate checks. The money has to be taken from a line item in the budget. We have asked Rick Corrente dozens of times where the money will come from? He has never provided an answer. You say his plans should be under scrutiny, yet you are more worried about a private citizens license plate, than you are about Rick Corrente bankrupting this city, and lying to your face while he does it. I'm glad your priorities are in order. How much will each rebate be worth? Once again, Rick Corrente says we'll worry about that later. If we are cutting checks to new homebuyers on the idea they will make home improvements and grow the tax base, wouldn't the check have to be a significant amount of money? Specifics in a campaign matter Phillip Drummond. You can try and defend the indefensible all you want, he's less than 30 days away from ending this flailing campaign.

Finally Phillip, my issue with Rick Corrente is not solely that he's made some late car and property tax payments. It is the ignorance and conviction he lies with that I find so offensive. Should we not expect more from our candidates for public office? I am asking that honestly. Are you not bothered by a candidate who blatantly lies about verifiable facts? Are you ok with a candidate thats run for Mayor for 4 years and can't answer basic questions? If you are ok with these things than I suggest you donate to the Corrente campaign. With $34 in the bank he could certainly use the help. I appreciate your comments Phillip, as well as your attempts to deflect away from The Tax Delinquents Mayor. Less than 1 month til primary day...

From: Schools, city due to meet again in September

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