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Dear Scal1024,

Good question. (Where is the gain by writing checks to new homebuyers?) Although I have answered it many times, I am especially proud of it. Scal, if we increase the number of taxpayers, we reduce the amount we have to tax each individual taxpayer, just like Cranston did. You say that a Mayor that is FOR the taxpayers wouldn't propose cutting checks to new homebuyers. But you're wrong! The more new homebuyers we get the less Warwick needs from each new taxpayer. Scal, we lost 5,800 taxpayers in the last 10 years (according to the U.S. Census) and even though Warwick raised taxes EVERY YEAR THIS CENTURY, total tax revenue (TTR) went down! My plan is to get some of those taxpayers BACK! That will make TTR go UP! Up Scal. As in, we don't need as much per taxpayer because The Corrente Plan made TTR go UP!

Your comments went on and on and I don't have the energy to respond to it all but there was one part that I really did like. You said that "these proposals are important to examine" I wholeheartedly agree. They can be viewed at "". Read The Corrente Plan. If you agree...great. If you disagree...also great. Tell me what you would do to improve my "Corrente Plan". In either event you (even you Scal) have to admit that I, at least HAVE a plan. Joe Solomon doesn't. Which do you prefer?

Happy August Scal.

Happy August everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools, city due to meet again in September

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