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I'm not sure what my comments have to do with Robs statement. Whether your sign says "The Democrats Mayor" or "The Taxpayers Democrat" both are poor attempts at deception by a FAILED candidate. After 4 years, and over $40,000 blown Rick Corrente has minimal support and $34 in the bank. Yet, this embarassment pretends he is some advocate for taxpayers.

A mayor that is for the taxpayers wouldn't propose cutting checks to new homebuyers. A vacant home is still having the property taxes paid by someone Rick, where is the gain by writing checks to new homebuyers? You are literally writing a check to the new homebuyer for taxes the city already collects. How does that represent the taxpayers that are already here? It doesn't. Its a foolish, non sensical talking point that Rick has repeated, when even 5 minutes of basic math shows the plan WILL NOT work, or create new revenue. It is a LOSS FOR THE TAXPAYER.

Rick Corrente has also proposed paying 50% of the car taxes for our seniors and veterans. I am all for seniors and veterans getting a tax break (most already are eligible) where applicable. 50% seems excessive, and not well thought out at all. Second, has Rick Corrente done any research into how many seniors/veterans would be eligible for this benefit? Without knowing how many taxpayers will receive this benefit, how does he know that this plan is sustainable? He doesn't. More empty promises from an empty suit with nothing but a list of the same talking points he's had for 4 years. If you are a taxpayer thats not a senior or a veteran how does Rick Correntes plan of paying 50% of their car taxes help you. Again, I am all for helping our seniors and our veterans. However ANY PLAN that proposes doing so better be well thought out so that its a positive benefit to all taxpayers. We are 2 proposals in and I'm sensing a pattern. All new spending programs. Will Rick Corrente raise taxes, slash services or borrow the money to pay for these things?

Finally, these proposals are important to examine because it gives us a window into the candidate and how they think. Rick Corrente is not much of a thinker. With $34 in his campaign bank account, its obvious taxpayers agree. Every proposal he comes up with involves spending more money the city simply DOES NOT HAVE. He has been asked what spending he would cut to pay for these things? After 4 years of running he is still unable to answer that most basic question. He cries about his signs because thats the only excuse he has left. When Rick Corrente gets embarassed once again this primary season he will have only himself, his lying and his tax depinquency to blame. Less than a month until this deadbeat is sent packing.

By the way......its KOOL-AID, dummy. Not COOL AID

From: Schools, city due to meet again in September

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