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Dear justanidiot,

I will let you in on a secret. Please don't tell anyone. I was the Endorsed Democrat in the 2016 election. All my hundreds of signs proudly said "Endorsed Democrat". I received over 14,000 votes and I will be forever grateful. This time around Joe Solomon got the endorsement, so I covered up the word "Endorsed" with the phrase "The Taxpayers". Now my recycled signs say "The Taxpayers Democrat".

Joe Solomon thanked the Warwick Democrats by not even putting "Democrat", let alone "Endorsed Democrat" on any of his signs that can be seen on city property, telephone poles, businesses, and trees. None of mine will ever be on those types of locations. I am very proud to be a Democrat. Apparently he feels differently.

The words "Democrat" or "Republican" have lost the significance they once had. Today the two new evolving labels appear to be "The Taxpayers" vs. "The Political Insiders". Justanidiot, I will always be a servant of that first group.

So, old friend, when I comment on these Warwick Beacon articles, I will refer to myself as "The Taxpayers Mayor" because I honestly feel that I am a servant of the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. On my signs I say "The Taxpayers Democrat".

And now you know why, but again, please keep that just between us.

Happy August old friend. And I know when you said "This is all the greedy teacher's fault", I know you were just being sarcastic.

Happy August everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Schools, city due to meet again in September

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