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Mr Hall, I used to have back and forths with Mr Testa in the comments on here, before he was elected to the SC. I would argue with him that the administration needed to make cuts before going back to closing schools and laying off teachers. During that back and forth Mr Testa laid out a very detailed explanation about how the admin side had been reduced quite a bit in past years, and that although its a good sound bite from me, it is not reality. Being stubborn I didn't want to hear that at first. I began to look into just that. I was wrong, he was right. The reason I highlight the fact that these back and forths were before he was elected is because to me it supports your point. Mr Testa is the same person on the SC as he was off the SC, and he works just as hard on numbers and better solutions, as he did then (if not more). His story hasn't changed just because he was elected, I wish we could say that about more of our elected officials. Shame on Rick Corrente for talking down to any elected official. He's never offered a valid solution or idea in his life.

From: Corrente doubles down on promise to cut taxes, spending

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