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OK everyone,

Its time for all of us to come clean. We (the rational intelligent studious residents) have been making all of this stuff up about Mayor Dumbness. Here is how we did it:

1. I (Thecaptain) went to the tax department at city hall at night and got into the computer system and I manipulated it with false information on all of the tax payments and interest charges that were incurred on Corrente's automobile. I then was able to engineer a program which would allow me to access the data base from my cell phone so that I could continually manipulate the data every quarter that taxes were due. I'm sorry, but it was a blast.

2. Crikeeraven got a job at the lender that held the mortgage on Corrente's property at 177 Grand View Dr. and every month that Corrente made his mortgage payment, Crikee would abscond the money and go to the casino to gamble. Hence, after a period of 2+ years, the bank finally caught up to Crikeee but since he blew all of the money on booze and strippers, they had no choice but to reposses the house and sell it to Redstick Aquasitions.

3. Scal had the best scheme. He found a way to disguise himself as one of the gals in the tax payment office and when Corrente would come in to pay his taxes, Scal would take the checks, bring them to Stop & Shop, cash them and then make notations in the tax roll office that the payment wasnt made. He then contacted the Warwick Beacon and took out a bogus add listing Corrente's property as going for tax sale. The end result was that WwkVoter and Scal conspired to buy the tax lien under a fake name of Clayton Shackelton, and then with all of the money that Scal, Crikee, WwkVoter and my self benefited from our scam, we bought the Gateway plaza and then rented Corrente an office for his campaign.

Huge conspiracy but it worked wonderfully to stop him from being elected.

From: Corrente doubles down on promise to cut taxes, spending

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