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Raven, Also interesting that he only questioned *how* Rob got the court transcript. His communication style is somehow evasive, yet transparent, at the same time.

Scal's analogy of the too small blanket to the bogus plan to "buy out pensioners" (at a likely cost of millions EACH) is great. These ridiculous ideas simply At all. Same for paying residents to move here. Really? And he is supposedly in a real estate business. Just about every home that goes up for sale, has a new owner within a few short months. No need to raise our taxes a lot to pay homebuyers in Warwick that we already have!

Also, the idea that removing homes for the airport expansion somehow will "cost hundreds of millions" in lost taxes is also specious, because residential property cost a NET LOSS between services (school is $14,000 per child per year!) and the taxes paid (average around $3500 per year, or 1/4 of a school pupil, plus other services like trash pickup, road maint, police, fire, and everything else.

Corrente is, as we have established with facts, unethical and completely unprepared to run anything. His own life, unpaid tax issues, others paying his taxes, petitioning to reduce child support, publishing bogus "statistics" and even sticking to them when actual census data is cited, has become a never ending loop.

But I as a voter GREATLY appreciate that no one is letting him get away with it. Not even former Mayor Avedisian as seen here, in his characteristically gentlemanly way:

From: Corrente doubles down on promise to cut taxes, spending

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