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WwkVoter, maybe you're asking the same question I am after reading the make-believe mayor's last comment -- Where's his proof?

Factual, verifiable, and public information has been provided multiple times on this website that supports everything you said about him. In response, has the make-believe mayor posted anything to disprove it?

No, he has not. He has demanded that people just believe him. He has attacked other commenters for using screen names. He has called these facts "fake." And he has put together strings of rhetorical questions that add up to more nonsense. That is a lot of effort put into not actually answering these legitimate questions about a declared candidate for office who, presumably, wants voters to trust him.

By contrast, your efforts, along with those of so many other commenters who have provided these facts about him, have been helpful in informing honest, taxpaying voters about him and showing him that he will not get away with using this website unchallenged.

From: Corrente doubles down on promise to cut taxes, spending

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