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Voters can see Rick Corrente and his "plans" unraveling right before our very eyes. He's not doing much to dispel those erratic labels being attached to him. His ideas are like trying to make the bed with a blanket that is just too small. You pull on one side, it exposes the other. You try and try but it just doesn't work. This is the true "Corrente plan". Just a bunch of words thrown together as talking points (or a blanket way too small for the bed).

By implementing a hiring freeze Rick Corrente is suggesting that the city is overstaffed. Is that the Warwick PD? Warwick FD? Dept of Public Works (DPW)? I can't imagine Rick Corrente is running on a platform of "less police and fire" so I imagine they'd be exempt from the hiring freeze. That leaves the DPW as being the only subject of a Corrente hiring freeze. I would ask if the DPW is so overstaffed, why does Rick Corrente need to raise BEACH FEES ON EVERY DRIVING RESIDENT in order to pay for beach cleanup? A hiring freeze suggests Warwick has too many employees. Is Rick Corrente going to RAISE BEACH FEES in order to pay for beach cleanup, at the same time he's implementing a hiring freeze on the very department that cleans our beaches? Is that efficient government? The answer is it is not. It is the very definition of waste.

The voluntary pension buyout will not save the city $. Corrente has no way of paying for this, he'd be forced to borrow the money or raise taxes. He doesn't include this piece in the "Corrente plan" because he'd have to acknowledge borrowing money is NOT cutting spending. I used the example (above comment) of a retiree due $45,000 a year PLUS health care benefits. If you were that retiree due $45,000 along with a stable health care plan, how much $ (lump sum) would it take to convince you (the retiree) to forego your GUARANTEED $45,000 plus benefits? The answer is ALOT. That is just 1 employee making $45,000 a year. Now start doing the math with employees due $90,000 a year in reitrement, and how much $ (lump sum) it would take that person to retire. Once again, the blanket just doesn't fit.

Finally, Correntes entire message just whistles past the FACTS about his tax delinquency. Including delinquent water/sewer bills, late car and property tax payments. No candidate should be allowed to run for office with that kind of record of reckless tax delinquency. How is it fair that the rest of us honest, hardworking taxpayers always pay our fair share of taxes ON TIME, while a candidate for Mayor of Warwick makes backroom deals with his wealthy friends to pay his delinquent taxes for him? It is not fair and that type of pathetic behavior should disqualify him to even run for Mayor. What about voters who have lost their home to tax sale? Regular, honest, everyday people don't have the luxury of cutting shady deals with the wealthy to pay their bills for them. One has to wonder what was promised to these people, to pay Correntes back taxes for him. Rick Corrente will use the only line of attack he has: screen names. No screen name in the world will make PROVEN FACTS untrue. Imagine the audacity to call yourself "the taxpayers mayor" when you've been a "grifter" in your own home since 2014. This is not the behavior of a Mayor who represents taxpayers, this is the behavior of a mayor who represents deadbeats.

From: Corrente doubles down on promise to cut taxes, spending

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