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I would also note the fake mayors lack of response to the facts laid out pretty clearly in your comments here, Crickee. When confronted with facts the tax delinquent, lying, fake mayor either attacks our use of screen names, or hides like a coward commenting on the next article. Is that the behavior of a serious Mayoral candidate? This type of behavior is below any elected office.

My comments against Corrente are used as a counterpoint to his constant free advertising on this website, as well as the outright lies he tells voters. He still doesn't have a clue how much any of his "plans" will cost, he's NOT going to cut your taxes and he's NOT going to cut city spending (which is around 3/4 of strictly pensions and benefits). Once you realize those facts, all that is left is a lying, failing, fraud candidate with a useless $2 slogan. Voters understand Warwick needs a Mayor that has their own financial house in order. Last time I checked, Joe Solomon didn't need 2 friends to bail him out, such as Rick Corrente has on more than 1 occasion. Imagine believing you can run an entire city, when you can't even pay your own sewer bill without switching it into someone elses name.

I don't fault anyone who struggles at some time in their lives. I do however fault somebody who OUTRIGHT LIES ABOUT IT, pretending their own fiscal house is in order, when there is a long history of litigation, unpaid bills and shady practices over a decade plus. Rick Corrente won't be able to call a friend to bailout City Hall from foreclosure He won't be able to default on the cities bills. Mayor is not an experimental job...voters will once again overwhelmingly show the fake mayor that.

From: All candidates, voters welcome at 'sign-in' party

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