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Scal, I think you're correct. As I recall, Thecaptain has said that someone gave him those documents so that he could bring them to the public's attention.

You also raise a central question about the make-believe mayor's attempts to deny these and other facts about him, namely, just what does he expect will happen? Does he really think that he is changing anyone's mind about his tax delinquencies and repeated false statements? Does he expect commenters like you and Thecaptain [and Kammy, and WwkVoter, and others] to change our minds and suddenly decide that -- after all of the information provided about him -- he's actually correct and we're all wrong?

It actually wouldn't surprise me if this were the motivation behind his name-calling, whining about the use of screen names, repetition of his false claims, and continued use of a fake title that he neither earned nor deserves.

Then again, it might equally be true that he just feels entitled to run a political campaign on someone else's website [in much the same way that he has been squatting at his residence, as Thecaptain has rightly termed it, while others pay his taxes and water/sewer fees] and would rather spend his time losing arguments online than running a serious campaign.

Either way, as we know, his efforts will be proven futile again, and he will find himself the first candidate in a generation to lose elections to two different mayors.

From: All candidates, voters welcome at 'sign-in' party

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