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If I remember correctly Captain didn't you obtain some of these documents anonymously? Meaning someone was so concerned with Rick Correntes past history of litigation and inability to meet basic financial obligations, they sent you these documents knowing you'd go public with them to expose this fraud.

Its not that Rick Corrente couldn't get elected dog catcher, its that he's not even qualified to run for dog catcher. The biggest embarrassment of all will come this primary season. My advice to Mr Casella would be to rescind Mr Correntes invitation to the "signing party" as he is not a serious candidate for political office. My advice to anyone attending this event would be to tell Mr Corrente "No thank you" if asked to sign his papers. Finally, I'd say if any voter actually wants to sign Correntes papers, i suggest they ask him why he can't pay his own taxes? Why he fails to pay his own water/sewer bill and why is it he needs his friends to pay his bills/taxes for him since 2014? Send a message that Warwick is looking for real, serious candidates that can pay their own bills. Not a "grifter" that can't meet his own basic financial obligations. Rick Corrente is going to RAISE YOUR TAXES, when the truth is he can't even PAY HIS OWN.

From: All candidates, voters welcome at 'sign-in' party

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