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Excellent work Crickee. Your dedication, as well as the Captains on this subject has has clearly put pressure on lying, tax delinquent, fake mayor. I think I speak for many when I say thank you for exposing this fraud. Enough so that its forced him to find SOMEONE ELSE to once again pay his basic financial obligations.

This is quite rhetorical but how can anyone reading this, still believe Rick Corrente is a serious candidate for mayor? This man can't even meet his own basic financial obligations yet, he wants to run an entire city? Give me a break! Imagine the audacity to call others "political insiders" when Corrente is literally skipping out on paying taxes by using relationships with others. That is the very definition of an insider! I don't know too many people who could have a neighbor pay their taxes or water/sewer bills.

This also leads to a more important question: what has been promised to these individuals who are paying Correntes taxes, water/sewer bills? What is to be gained by them by doing this? Is this why Corrente proposes putting a hold on permit fees? Is this why Corrente proposes "buy a house, get a check" so his friends can flip homes with a fast return, and get a rebate check?

Luckily we will not have to worry about such things, because voters will hand this "grifter" another overwhelming loss in the primary. Imagine the audacity running on the "tax burden", questioning others behavior while ones own financial house is an utter trainwreck. Shame on Rick Corrente and his lying, cowardice behavior. Yet another example of his hypocrisy and unfitness for office.

From: All candidates, voters welcome at 'sign-in' party

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